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Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test This World Alzheimer’s Month

Is someone close to you struggling with Alzheimer’s Disease? It can be painful not only for the person affected but friends, family, and care givers as it is a disease which has no cure and requires around the clock care. Currently it’s estimated that Alzheimer’s Disease affects 5.8 million people in the US – this includes 5.6 million aged 65 …

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New Studies on Hearing Loss and Dementia

Do you have hearing loss? If you have been ignoring it could be far worse than simple misunderstandings. Unaddressed hearing loss can lead to a wide range of symptoms from chronic depression, loss of self-esteem, a higher risk of accidents leading to hospitalization, and cognitive decline. If this wasn’t alarming already, several significant studies have found a strong link between …

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Seeking Hearing Loss Treatment Could Help Prevent or Delay Dementia

You may be surprised to learn that hearing loss and dementia are often comorbidities, that is, they can often happen at the same time. Untreated hearing loss is a risk factor for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and people with hearing loss may be more likely to experience rapid cognitive decline. The good news is that seeking hearing loss treatment …

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September is World Alzheimer’s Month

At Pacific Hearing Care, we want to take a moment to acknowledge that September is World Alzheimer’s Month. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, which is a larger group of disorders that impair mental functioning. The relationship between untreated hearing loss and dementia is important to highlight, and it gives us an opportunity to shed light on …