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Does Summer Heat Impact Earwax Buildup?

As the temperature rises and summer approaches, many individuals enjoy spending more time outdoors. However, the summer heat can also have an unexpected impact on earwax buildup, potentially leading to discomfort and even hearing difficulties. Understanding how the summer heat affects earwax production and learning effective prevention and management techniques can help you enjoy better ear health during this season. …

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DIY Done Right: Protecting Your Hearing During Home Improvement Projects

Embarking on DIY home improvement projects can be rewarding, but it’s important to prioritize safety. This includes protecting your hearing! From power tools to loud machinery, the sounds generated during home renovation projects can pose a risk to your hearing health. Here’s how you can tackle tasks with confidence and peace of mind. Understanding the Risks to Hearing Health Many …

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Dive into Understanding Swimmer’s Ear: Identification and Management

For swimmers and water enthusiasts, the joy of aquatic activities can sometimes be accompanied by the discomfort of swimmer’s ear. Also known as otitis externa, swimmer’s ear is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the ear canal. It’s most often caused by water exposure. Causes of Swimmer’s Ear Swimmer’s ear is typically caused by water becoming trapped in the …

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The Allergy-Ear Connection: The Impact of Allergies on Ear Health

The changing seasons can often bring a surge of allergies. Whether it’s the new blossoms of spring or the dry and dusty air of winter, allergens can be present year-round. While most people associate allergies with sneezing and itchy eyes, few realize the profound impact allergies can have on ear health. Understanding Allergies and Their Impact Allergies are the result …

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Sound Advice: Safeguarding Your Teen’s Hearing in a Noisy World

As a parent, you’re no stranger to the way sound follows your teen. From the constant buzz of technology to the rhythmic beats of their favorite tunes, your teen is often surrounded by sound. While these sounds contribute to the soundtrack of their lives, it’s crucial to be mindful of the potential risks they pose to their hearing. Let’s explore …

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The Role of Ears in the Balance System

We walk through the world every day without giving a second thought to how we stay upright—that is until we get dizzy or suffer vertigo. It takes a lot to keep us from falling over daily and so much of it surprisingly has to do with the ears. How We Balance We hear with our ears but besides the auditory …

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Watch Out for Dangerous Decibels in Exercise Classes

There is no denying the benefits of regular exercise. Whether you like to work out in the gym or get out into the great outdoors, exercise can boost your mood, build muscle, endurance, and cardiovascular health. Regular exercise can also boost your hearing health, by ensuring your blood flows through your entire body- including the fragile cells of your inner …

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Hearing aids have advanced a lot from the days of holding a cone up to your ear. It can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours to be fitted for a hearing aid and up to a few months to fully adjust to them. These days, hearing aids come in an array of sizes, shapes, and colors and can …

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Protect Your Hearing while Using Headphones

HEADPHONES  Headphones are ubiquitous in our modern world. We use them for taking phone calls in public or listening to music on a run or during our commute. There are endless variations of styles and price ranges making them a nearly universal accessory. It is imperative, however, that we form safe habits in regards to how we use them.  The …

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Signs You May Have Tinnitus

Do you ever find yourself at the end of a long and busy day, seeking quiet, only to be confronted with a persistent ring in your ears? This sound may seem to be coming from no particular place rather than your own head. This can induce the feeling of no escape and add stress, when you were only looking to …