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Summer Gardening Tips for Hearing Aid Users

Summer is a wonderful time for gardening enthusiasts to get outside, enjoy the sunshine, and nurture their plants. However, for hearing aid users, gardening during the hot and humid summer months can present some unique challenges. Proper care and maintenance of hearing aids are essential to ensure they function optimally while you tend to your garden. Protecting Your Hearing Aids …

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Does Summer Heat Impact Earwax Buildup?

As the temperature rises and summer approaches, many individuals enjoy spending more time outdoors. However, the summer heat can also have an unexpected impact on earwax buildup, potentially leading to discomfort and even hearing difficulties. Understanding how the summer heat affects earwax production and learning effective prevention and management techniques can help you enjoy better ear health during this season. …

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Navigating Seasonal Changes with Hearing Loss

Spring brings a change in weather and a change in activities. However, for individuals living with hearing loss, experiencing and enjoying seasonal changes can be a challenge. For example, during spring there may be an increase in outdoor activities and social events, creating unique obstacles for those with hearing loss. Understanding the Impact of Seasonal Changes Seasonal changes, particularly during …

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Troubleshooting Common Hearing Aid Issues

Hearing aids are incredible devices that can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with hearing loss. However, like any technology, they can encounter issues from time to time. We’ve seen many common hearing aid problems and helped countless individuals troubleshoot and resolve them. Here are some of the most common hearing aid issues and practical solutions to fix …

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5 Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunion

With many family reunions moving online this holiday season, you may be thinking about how to organize a successful virtual gathering. Virtual get-togethers with friends and family have allowed us to stay connected during this unprecedented year. Though it requires a few adjustments, online reunions can be just as engaging! By taking the time to plan, you can provide a …

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Keeping Your Hearing Aids Dry

One of the benefits of hearing aids is that they enable you to hear no matter where you are. Whether you are taking a walk in the forest or doing your shopping through the town square, hearing aids make it possible to engage with others easily and clearly and also to enjoy the soundscape of the natural world. However, one …

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Tips for Driving with Hearing Aids

As we get older, there are certain physical challenges we all have to deal with. Our reaction time slows down, it’s harder to turn your head and move your body, and your depth perception changes. If you are aware of the changes and you compensate, you shouldn’t have any problems driving. That goes for driving with hearing aids, too. Be …