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Why are People Ashamed of Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is incredibly prevalent, with 15% of people age 18 and over in the United States reporting some kind of trouble hearing. As you might imagine, those numbers increase in older ages, with 50% of those age 75 and higher experiencing disabling hearing loss. With a condition that is so common, one might wonder why some people are ashamed …

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Does Tinnitus Cause Hearing Loss?

Recall the last time you were in a very loud environment, perhaps a noisy restaurant, a fireworks display, or a live music event. When you returned to the quiet of your home, did you notice a ringing sound that persisted? That high-pitched sound that remains in your ears after exposure to loud sounds tends to go away within a few …

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Can Hearing Loss Be Restored?

Innovations in medicine have made the unthinkable possible. Not long ago, one might not have imagined that transplanting new organs into the body would have been performed successfully, but medical professionals have been able to perform these actions with great success. Innovative treatments for serious conditions, such as cancer, have made it possible to live a full and healthy life …